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My Bucket List

Sonali Perera

For as long as I can remember, I have had a running list of my bucket list, everything I wanted to do/accomplish before I die. I continue to add to my bucket list and hope I can one day cross everything off my bucket list.

My Bucketlist

  • Travel to all 7 continents
  • Run a marathon
  • See an erupting volcano
  • Visit Cuba
  • Become a yoga instructor
  • Start a non-profit
  • Go on a solo yoga retreat
  • Start a company
  • Finish a triathalon
  • Accomplish 3 pullups
  • Island hop in the Phillipines
  • Find myself in Bali
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Learn to meditate
  • Learn to make wine
  • Start a company
  • Launch my own cooking channel
  • Write a book