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Filtering by Category: beauty

The Benefits of Rose Water

Sonali Perera


Rosewater is one of my all time favorite beauty products introduced to me by my mom when I was a little girl. I consider it a magic potion for my face. Here are some awesome things rosewater is great for.

  • Tightens pores
  • Prevents wrinkles
  • Natural astringent
  • Great setting spray for your make-up
  • Help to regulate your skins pH
  • Antibacterial properties are great for soothing the skin and getting rid of acne/blackheads
  • Rinsing your hair in rosewater promotes growth and heals a dry & itchy scalp
  • Dabbing rosewater around the eyes, on your temples, and on your forehead helps alleviate headaches
  • Great setting spray for your make-up

Homemade Face Masks For Normal Skin

Sonali Perera

Growing up, my mom always told me that intensive skin care doesn't always require extensive and expensive spa treatments and that skin can be pampered and nourished in the home using all-natural ingredients that are readily available in the kitchen and pantry. Below are some of our favorites.

Fruit Mask

Fruits are loaded with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are essential for natural glowing skin making it a perfect remedy for almost all skin types. 

  • Mix equal amounts of ripe papaya, mango and yogurt 
  • Apply the mask to your face for 30 minutes and wash off with water

The enzymes in papaya help in removing dark spots and blemishes and helps in improving complexion, whereas the vitamin C in mangoes helps in promoting cell regeneration and removing skin dullness. Yogurt is a natural moisturizer and gentle bleach that enhances skin tone and lightens skin tanning.

Sandalwood, Yogurt & Rose Water Mask

Sandalwood is natural home remedy for skin problems that has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for treating various skin issues. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which gently exfoliates the top layers of the epidermis, which can clear up blemishes and discoloration and reduce fine wrinkles. Rose water is filled with anti-oxidants and various vitamins, preventing signs of aging and nourishing the skin. 

  • Take 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder and mix it with rose water and yogurt forming a thick consistency
  • Mix well and apply on clean face, wait for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with water