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Filtering by Tag: diy

DIY Rakhi Ideas

Sonali Perera

What better way to kick off rakhi than have the kids make their own. Here are some easy ideas on how to make your own rakhi.


  • Embroidery thread
  • Ribbon
  • Beads
  • Puffy stickers
  • Buttons
  • Glue gun

How to:

  • Keep it super simple and fun for the kids and family
  • Cut string and/or ribbon into the small strips and lay them out. We use different colors so everyone can pick the colors they want
  • Put out a tray of buttons, puffy stickers, beads, and anything else fun you can make bracelets with (small lego pieces, cutouts, etc.)
  • Assign an adult to be in charge of the glue gun
  • Have some samples for show so people know what to do


  • Buy the Melissa & Doug bead set and put it out for the kids to make rakhis
  • Instead of indian sweets, we put jelly bellies in a bowl (or put your sons favorite candy)
  • We bought simple gifts or envelope of money for brothers to give to sisters 
  • Arranged gifts/envelopes, candy/sweets and rakhi on a thali or plate with a diya/candle, and Ganesh
  • Served Indian take out food (yums)!


Some OTHER ideas: