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Turmeric Latte...Really?!

Sonali Perera

Walk into all the trendy cafes in San Francisco and you can buy a turmeric latte for $7!! What the heck? Growing up, my mom would make me turmeric latte...aka Haldi Ka Doodh when I was sick, could not sleep or needed a pick me up. It is my moms go to Indian home remedy. Haldi ka Doodh is known to build immunity and fight against illnesses and is also well known in Ayurveda for its health benefits. Try my moms easy to make recipe below.

Turmeric Milk Recipe

- 1 cups milk
- 1 tsp turmeric powder or fresh grated turmeric
- Ghee
- Pinch of saffron, optional
- Honey or jaggery, optional

Heat the milk along with the spices/ingredients for 2-3 minutes. Add the sweetener if you want. Strain and drink.