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Why Your Dosha Type Matters

Sonali Perera

What does Dosha mean? It is a term very familiar to those who practice Ayurveda, the holistic science of health focusing on the connection of mind and body. Dosha refers to the three energies that make up every individual, performing different physiological functions in the body. Every person has all three doshas but usually only one or two dominate. All three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha are important and can cause suffering when diet and lifestyle choices are not healthy. Knowing your Dosha can help you maintain balance, lasting health and peace of mind. 

Not sure what your Dosha type is? There are many questionnaires online. My favorite one is offered HERE. Once you know your Dosha type, you should follow a diet and lifestyle that works for your type. Below are personal characteristics as well as diet and lifestyle tips for each Dosha type.

The 3 Dosha Types: 

Vata Dosha

  • Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion (breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat)
  • When in balance: creative, talkative, social, enthusiastic
  • When out of balance: dry hair, dry skin, dry nails, constipation, gas, bloating, fear, anxiety

Health & lifestyle tips for Vata

  • Maintain regular habits
  • Eat and sleep at the same time every night
  • Berries, fruits, small beans, rice, nuts and dairy are great for the Vata diet
  • Moderate exercise intensity such as yoga, walking, swimming and tai chi are good
  • Get enough rest
  • Avoid strenuous and frantic activities


Pitta Dosha

  • Energy that controls the body's metabolic systems (nutrition, body temperature, digestion, nutrition)
  • When in balance: witty, organized, focused, goal oriented, content
  • When our of balance: inflammation, acid reflux, burning eyes, anger, ulcers

Health & lifestyle tips for Pitta

  • Keep cool by avoiding overexposure to direct sunlight and fried and spicy foods
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco, overworking, and overheating
  • When aggravated, susceptible to feeling negative emotions like hostility, hatred, intolerance, and jealousy
  • Choose fresh vegetables and fruits that are watery and sweet, especially cherries, mangoes, cucumbers, water melon, and avocado
  • Have lots of salads with dark greens such as arugula, dandelions, and kale
  • Avoid conflicts
  • Cultivate the virtues of honesty, morality, kindness, generosity, and self-control.


Kapha Dosha

  • Energy that controls growth in the body and it supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system
  • When in balance: dependable, generous, caring, steady, grounded
  • When out of balance: sluggishness, lack of motivation, weight gain, congestion, water retention, insecurity, envy

Health & lifestyle tips for Kapha

  • Be active on a daily basis as Kapha types are prone to sluggishness, depression, and being overweight
  • Get out of the house and actively seeking new experiences
  • Choose foods that are light, warm, and spicy. 
  • Tea with dried ginger and lemon is a great pick-me-up for Kaphas
  • Avoid heavy oily and processed sugars, which are detrimental to Kaphas